Gtr2 Road Car Mod

Gtr2 Road Car Mod

Gtr2 Road Car Models

RoadGtr2 Road Car Mod

Perfect DarkGTR2 / Emulation|Contactez-moi |


This video shows how to install mods into GTR2. Some mods may have more folders and some additional files, but the basic idea is the same. Download Gtr2 Mod free from file search engine.

mods GTR2 et Project64.rdx

Mod Formule 1 2005 pour GTR2
Mod Formule 1 2007 pour GTR2
Mod Prototypes pour GTR2



Gtr2 Road Car Mod 1.7.10

1) mod Prototypes 1998-2008 SCC for GTR2:

Download the car pack (necessary) plus the skins packs you want (one at minimum, else the mod will not work).

Mod Prototypes 1998-2008 SCC v2.41 for GTR2-cars
Skins Le Mans:

Mod Prototypes 1998-2008 SCC v2.41 for GTR2-Skins Le Mans
Skins ALMS:

Mod Prototypes 1998-2008 SCC v2.41 for GTR2-Skins ALMS
Skins LMES:

Mod Prototypes 1998-2008 SCC v2.41 for GTR2-Skins LMES (at nogrip for the moment)
Up to you to download the tracks necessary by helping with the 'tracks.txt' inluded in the mod for example at:

Esport Racing
Other download website where you will find the mainly plus the 3 packs merged in a single file:

2) mods F1 2005 et 2007 pour GTR2:

Mod F1 2005 for GTR2 v2.03

Mod F1 2007 for GTR2 v1.15
Up to you to download the tracks necessary by helping with the 'circuitsF1200X.txt' inluded in the mod
and apply the correctif patch that follows (aiw corrections and one gmt):

Corrective Patch of the aiw tracks F1 v1.01
3) rdx files for Project64

Project64.rdx (us)
4) For Nebula (Neogeo-CPS):

Dats rotdn-kof2001-Ms4-Sengoku3

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