Zxhn H108n V2.3 Firmware Version 10.0


ZTE ZXHN H168N product with versions V2.2.0_PK1.2T5, V2.2.0_PK1.2T2, V2.2.0_PK11T7 and V2.2.0_PK11T have an improper change control vulnerability, which may allow an unauthorized user to perform unauthorized operations.
Publish Date : 2018-11-14 Last Update Date : 2019-10-09
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- CVSS Scores & Vulnerability Types

CVSS Score
Confidentiality ImpactPartial(There is considerable informational disclosure.)
Integrity ImpactPartial(Modification of some system files or information is possible, but the attacker does not have control over what can be modified, or the scope of what the attacker can affect is limited.)
Availability ImpactPartial(There is reduced performance or interruptions in resource availability.)
Access ComplexityLow(Specialized access conditions or extenuating circumstances do not exist. Very little knowledge or skill is required to exploit. )
AuthenticationNot required(Authentication is not required to exploit the vulnerability.)
Gained AccessNone
Vulnerability Type(s)

- Products Affected By CVE-2018-7358

#Product TypeVendorProductVersionUpdateEditionLanguage
No vulnerable product found. If the vulnerability is created recently it may take a few days to gather vulnerable products list and other information like cvss scores. Please check again in a few days.

- References For CVE-2018-7358

BID 105963 ZTE ZXHN H168N CVE-2018-7358 Authorization Bypass Vulnerability Release Date:2018-11-15
http://support.zte.com.cn/support/news/LoopholeInfoDetail.aspx?newsId=1009523 CONFIRM

- Metasploit Modules Related To CVE-2018-7358

There are not any metasploit modules related to this CVE entry (Please visit www.metasploit.com for more information)


Zxhn H108n V2.3 Firmware Version 10.0 Windows 10

There you will find build specific topics that discuss any issues with a particular build/release. For more up-to-date firmware files, please visit the firmware faq. Zxhn h108n v2.5 firmware. Zxhn H108n V2.3 Firmware Version 10.0 Free Download. I need the original firmware of ZXHN H108N because I have serious problem with it and I can’t find it anywhere. Very little knowledge or skill is required to exploit Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition.

ZxhnZxhn H108n V2.3 Firmware Version 10.0

Zxhn H108n V2.3 Firmware Version 10.0 64-bit

ZTE ZXHN H108L with firmware 4.0.0d_ZRQ_GR4 allows remote attackers to modify the CWMP configuration via a crafted request to Forms/access_cwmp_1.
Publish Date : 2014-11-20 Last Update Date : 2017-09-08
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- CVSS Scores & Vulnerability Types

CVSS Score
Confidentiality ImpactNone(There is no impact to the confidentiality of the system.)
Integrity ImpactPartial(Modification of some system files or information is possible, but the attacker does not have control over what can be modified, or the scope of what the attacker can affect is limited.)
Availability ImpactNone(There is no impact to the availability of the system.)
Access ComplexityLow(Specialized access conditions or extenuating circumstances do not exist. Very little knowledge or skill is required to exploit. )
AuthenticationNot required(Authentication is not required to exploit the vulnerability.)
Gained AccessNone
Vulnerability Type(s)

- Products Affected By CVE-2014-8493

#Product TypeVendorProductVersionUpdateEditionLanguage
No vulnerable product found. If the vulnerability is created recently it may take a few days to gather vulnerable products list and other information like cvss scores. Please check again in a few days.

- References For CVE-2014-8493

EXPLOIT-DB 35272 ZTE ZXHN H108L - Authentication Bypass Author:Project Zero Labs Release Date:2014-11-17 (hardware) webapps
XF zxhnh108l-cve20148493-sec-bypass(98733)
EXPLOIT-DB 35276 ZTE ZXHN H108L - Authentication Bypass Author:Project Zero Labs Release Date:2014-11-17 (hardware) webappsPort:80
FULLDISC 20141117 CVE-2014-8493 - ZTE ZXHN H108L Authentication Bypass

- Metasploit Modules Related To CVE-2014-8493

There are not any metasploit modules related to this CVE entry (Please visit www.metasploit.com for more information)