Teamspeak 3 Spam Bot



Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again. Action currently not possible due to spam protection. Please wait a few seconds and try again. Note the gap between these two events. With one private license you can create 6 Bots. Those 6 Bots can connect to 1 teamspeak and 1 discord server at the same time. 3 on teamspeak and 3 on discord. This license is for private use only. With one commercial license you can create one bot which can connect to 1 teamspeak or 1 discord server.

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Teamspeak 3 Spam Bot

Teamspeak Music Bot Commands

You will soon receive an email on the following address:
Please activate your account by clicking on the link provided in it.

Free Teamspeak Bot

Please remember to check your spam and trash box. Services like Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL often mistakenly identify the activation email as spam!